Waverley Greens August Construction Update
The interior of the site has significantly progressed since the last construction update, providing a real glimpse into what the finalised modern interior will look like. Much of the wooden joinery of the interior amenities is nearing completion, including the fit out around the main bar. Pictured below, the tiling around the main bar has also progressed as well as the ongoing installation of kitchen equipment.
Progress has also continued in the back of house with the completion of the toilet partitions and locker installations. These are now ready for a final coat of paint and clean ahead of opening to the public. The installation of our architectural ceilings has also continued, with all timber perimeters complete. Work will continue, and the glazing of the venue is on schedule to begin shortly.
With the opening of the new venue closer than ever, we will continue to update Members and the local community with announcements via our email and social media channels. Make sure to keep an eye on your inbox, and follow our progress on Facebook and Instagram.